Přednášky na odborných konferencích
- Veselska R: Embryo in a Dish: Many Ways, One Outcome. 30th NEC Forum (on-line), Prague 2022.
- Veselská R: Etické aspekty genových terapií. 24. Brněnské setkání dětských neurologů a pediatrů, Brno 2022.
- Veselská R: Etika výzkumu v ČR, rok 2022: samozřejmost, formalita nebo přežitek? XXV. Biologické dny: Od nádorové biologie po precizní onkologii, Brno 2022.
- Veselska R: Research Ethics Committee of the Masaryk University: The First Year Experience. Transcending Borders: Building and Sustaining a Bioethics Network for Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Riga, Latvia), 2017.
- Veselska R: Who owns our dead bodies? In: UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 10th World Conference: Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law – Program and Book of Abstracts (Jerusalem, Israel), p. 73, 2015.
- Veselská R: GATTACA here and now: from science fiction to reality. In: Mendel’s legacy – 150 years of genetics genius (Brno, CZ), p. 198, 2014.
- Veselska R: Teaching of Research Ethics: A Ten-year Experience from Masaryk University (Czech Republic). In: 8th International Conference on Bioethics Education: Contents, Methods, Trends – Abstract Book (Kinar, Israel), p. 186, 2012.
- Veselska R, Hulova V: Teaching research ethics to Czech and Slovak students: Experience form the Masaryk University. Seven years of capacity-building in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond: The network meeting of the Advanced certificate program in research ethics for Central and Eastern Europe (Prague, CZ) 2012.
- Veselská R: Ethical aspects of genetic testing. In: Ethics in Clinical Trials – Book of Abstracts (Prague, CZ), p. 49, 2007.
- Veselská R: What has been patented so far? In: Models of Governance of the Human Genome – Workshop II: Patenting and Group Consent; PropEur = Property Regulation in European Science, Ethics and Law (Bilbao, Spain), p.2, 2005.
Vyzvané popularizační přednášky
- Veselská R: Odejít, když nastal čas. Přednáškový cyklus Moderní výzvy lidstva, Opava 2023.
- Veselská R: Vědecká integrita. Webinář z cyklu Etika ve výzkumu, ICRC, St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno, March 18, 2021.
- Veselska R: Etika biomedicínského výzkumu [Ethics of Biomedical Research]. Webinar for Ethics in Research series, ICRC, St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno, March 11, 2021.
- Veselska R: Etika biomedicinskeho vyzkumu: Blizka setkani tretiho druhu [Ethics of Biomedical Research: Close Encounters of the Third Kind]. Jednota filozoficka Brno, April 9th, 2018 (Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Don’t Panic: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Research Ethics. CEITEC PhD Retreat II, April 20th, 2017 (University Centre, Telc, CZ).
- Veselska R, Kure J: Vse, co jste kdy chteli vedet o bioetice* (* ale bali jste se zeptat) [Everything you always wanted to know about bioethics* (* but were afraid to ask)] Seminar of the Center of Experimental Biomedicine, December 4th, 2014 (University Campus Bohunice, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Dilemata na cipech: eticke aspekty praktickeho pouzivani novych diagnostickych technologii [Dilemmas on microarrays: ethical aspects related to the practical use of new diagnostic technologies] 16th Conference on DNA Diagnostics, Brno, November 28th, 2012, Mendel’s Refectory (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Lekce z historie: od Mendelovych zakonu k eugenice [Lessons from history: from Mendel’s law to eugenics] Conference Mendelian Inheritance in Medical Genetics, May 28th, 2012, Mendel’s Refectory (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Existuji zlocinecke geny? (Vyzkum genetickych predispozic ke kriminalnimu chovani a souvisejici eticka dilemata o zlocinu a trestu) [Criminal genes: do they exist?] Lecture associated to the exhibition Stopa, April 10th, 2012, Mendel Museum (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Veda a svedomi [Science and conscience] Conference TEDx Brno 2011, November 12th, 2011, Reduta Theater (Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: GMO mezi nami – pycha ci predsudek? [GMOs among us – pride or prejudice?] Series GMOs – Myths and Legends, April 8th, 2010, Mendel’s Refectory (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Majitele nasich genu – Eticke aspekty pristupu k informacim a patentovani v biologii a v medicine [Owners of our genes – Ethical aspects of the information accessibity and patent issues in biology and medicine] Series GEN-ETHICS, June 7th, 2006, Mendel’s Refectory (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Dinosauri a zlata ryze – Eticke aspekty genetickych modifikaci [Dinosaurs and golden rice – Ethical aspects of genetic modifications] Series GEN-ETHICS, May 24th, 2006, Mendel’s Refectory (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).
- Veselska R: Ta podoba, cely tatinek! – Eticke aspekty reprodukcni biologie [The baby looks like daddy! – Ethical aspects of reproductive biology] Series GEN-ETHICS, May 10th, 2006, Mendel’s Refectory (Augustinian Abbey in Old Brno, Brno, CZ).