Current teaching:
- Bi1700 Cell Biology – lectures (School of Science, Masaryk University)
- Bi8120 Applied Cell Biology – lectures (School of Science, Masaryk University)
- Bi7001 Cell Architecture – lectures (School of Science, Masaryk University)
- Bi1077 Introduction to the Study of Cell Biology – seminar (School of Science, Masaryk University)
- Bi2020 Scientific Work in Cell Biology – seminar (School of Science, Masaryk University)
Previous teaching:
- Genetics II – lectures (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2008-2019)
- Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes – lectures (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2009-2018)
- Human Molecular Genetics – lectures (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2006-2008)
- Medical Biology: Cell Biology – practicals (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 1995-2005)
- Medical Biology: Genetics – practicals (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 1995-2005)
- Molecular Genetics lectures for Ph.D. students (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 1997-2005)
- Mutagenesis – practicals (School of Science, Masaryk University; 1993-1995)
- Genetics – practicals (School of Science, Masaryk University; 1992-1994)
- Cytogenetics – practicals (School of Science, Masaryk University; 1991-1995)
Supervisor of Ph.D. theses:
- Maria Krchniakova (thesis “Low-molecular-weight inhibitors of signaling pathways and their potential use in combined therapy of solid tumors in children”; specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2022)
- Silvia Paukovcekova (thesis “New possibilities for combination therapy in the model of pediatric solid tumors”; specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2021)
- Erika Mikulenkova (thesis “Selected aspects of centrosome biology in tumor cells”; specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2020)
- Alena Nunukova (thesis “Identification and characterization of cancer stem cells in soft tissue sarcomas”; specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2017)
- Jan Skoda (thesis “Identification of cancer stem cells in cell lines derived from selected types of solid tumors”; specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2016 – with honors)
- Petr Chlapek (thesis “Expression profiles of the embryonal tumor cell lines after application of the combined differentiation therapy”; specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2012)
- Martina Redova (thesis “The enhancement of differentiation inductors effects on the solid tumors model in vitro” specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2010)
- Tomas Loja (thesis: “Relationship between histopathological and molecular cytogenetic markers on chosen solid tumors in vitro“; specialization in Medical Biology – School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2008)
- Eva Necesalova (thesis: “Molecular cytogenetic characterization of solid tumors using high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization”; specialization in Medical Biology – School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2007)
Consultant of Ph.D. theses:
- Viera Dobrotkova (thesis “Cancidate biomarkers of retinoid resistance in neuroblastoma-derived cell lines”; supervisor: Petr Chlapek, specialization in Molecular and Cell Biology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2020)
- Jakub Neradil (thesis “Changes in cytoskeleton during induced apoptosis accompanying differentiation of P19 cell line”; supervisor: Augustin Svoboda, specialization in Medical Biology – School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2005)
Supervisor of M.Sc. theses:
- Lenka Juzova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2017)
- Helena Kockova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2014)
- Gabriela Rumiskova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2014)
- Erika Mikulenkova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2013)
- Lucia Dobrucka (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2011)
- Barbora Bujokova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2010)
- Olga Krupkova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2010)
- Jiri Sana (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2010)
- Marta Nekulova (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2009)
- Jan Skoda (specialization in Molecular Biology and Genetics – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2009)
- Petr Chlapek (specialization in Animal Physiology and Immunology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2007)
- Hana Svachova (specialization in Animal Physiology and Immunology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2005)
- Jan Auer (specialization in Animal Physiology and Immunology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2003)
- Pavlina Davidova (specialization in Animal Physiology and Immunology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2000)
- Jakub Neradil (specialization in Animal Physiology and Immunology – School of Science, Masaryk University; 2000)
Supervisor of B.Sc. theses:
- Anna Mudra (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2021)
- Matej Boros (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2021)
- Jana Rankova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2018)
- Veronika Kozlova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2013)
- Jana Barathova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2012)
- Helena Kockova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2012)
- Silvia Chovanova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2011)
- Erika Mikulenkova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2011)
- Viera Semanekova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2010)
- Lucia Dobrucka (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2009)
- Barbora Bujokova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2008)
- Olga Krupkova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2008)
- Jiri Sana (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2008)
- Marta Nekulova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2007)
- Hana Sebestova (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2007)
- Jan Skoda (School of Science, Masaryk University; 2007)
Supervisor of student research activity:
- Karel Zitterbart; Jan Auer (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2003 – with honors)
- Jakub Neradil (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2002)
- Karel Zitterbart; Jan Auer (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2002)
- Jakub Neradil (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2001 – with honors)
- Pavlina Davidova (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2000 – with honors)
- Karel Zitterbart (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2000 – with honors)
- Jakub Neradil (School of Medicine, Masaryk University; 1999)