
In the field of bioethics, I have specialized in biomedical research ethics, but my professional experience also includes clinical ethics and scientific integrity. My professional interests include the ethics of reproductive medicine, genetics and new biotechnologies, and the ethics of biobanking.

I have been involved in bioethics since the beginning of my professional career. I am one of the founding members of the Institute for Bioethics, which was established in 1998 as an independent professional platform for research, education, promotion and initiative in the field of bioethics, medical ethics and research ethics. I am currently a member of the Executive Board of the Institute.

With the aim of providing independent and fully qualified consulting and educational services in this area, I founded Bioethics Consulting, of which I am the CEO. If you are interested in this expertise, please take a look at our services and contact us.

My professional qualification in the field of bioethics is based on the following education:

  • With the support of a Fogarty International Center NIH Fellowship, I completed the Master of Science in Bioethics program at Clarkson University (formerly Union University) / Mount Sinai School of Medicine (NY, USA) in 2006-2008.
  • In 2013, I successfully completed the prestigious Intensive Bioethics Course at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA).
  • With the support of grant #D43 TW007085 from the NIH Fogarty International Center, I successfully completed the Advanced Certificate Program – Research Ethics in Central and Eastern Europe in 2005-2006.
  • In 2002, I completed a fellowship at the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University Medical Centre (Washington DC, USA).

I have been teaching bioethics at Masaryk University since 2002. Currently, I regularly offer two semester-long elective courses for students of any study program – Bioethics I: Ethics of Life and Bioethics II: Borderline Options. All courses taught in the past are listed in the overview of teaching and mentoring. In addition to this, I am involved in expert activities in bioethics as a member of the following bodies:

  • Since 2021, I am a member of the Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
  • Since 2018, I am the Vice-Chair (elected) of the Bioethics Commission, an advisory body of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation of the Czech government.
  • Between 2022-2024, I was the first representative of Czechia in the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE), an advisory body of the European Commission.
  • Since 2015, I have been the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee of Masaryk University.
  • Between 2014-2015, I was the chair of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University.

My publication activities in the field of bioethics include textbook chapters, electronic textbooks, original articles, and editing proceedings, mainly in the area of research ethics. The overview of lectures in bioethics includes presentations at professional conferences as well as popularization lectures for professionals and the general public. In addition, I have been principal investigator or co-investigator in a number of national and international projects in the field of bioethics with a research or educational focus.